Emrick Machinery sells new machinery to the world.  When you’re in the market for industrial machinery manufactured by either Acra, Kingston, Servo and Scotchman, we can get it to you.  We have the equipment you need for your shop or farm … lathes, mills, grinders, drill presses and other fabricating machinery.

Emrick New Machinery

Emrick Machinery stocks a wide variety of used machinery to suit your needs. Our used machinery line includes the manufacturers we sell new equipment for — Acra, Kingston, Scotchman, and Servo. We also carry Lodge & Shipley, Chevalier, Axelson, K&T, and others machinery lines. The equipment you need for your farm or shop … guaranteed, and for the right price.

Emrick Used Machinery
Emrick Machinery Rigging

Emrick Machinery has offered comprehensive machinery moving services since the 1970’s. We have the equipment and resources to successfully complete any size rigging and machinery moving job.

Machinery Rigging

Emrick Machinery provides complete machine tool services, industrial repairing and rebuilding, and is fully qualified to repair or service your machinery if you’re not able to handle it at your site. We also stock the replacement parts you’ll need when your equipment needs service. When all else fails, our machine shop can rework or remake any parts necessary for the repairing or rebuilding of machine tools.

Machinery Service & Rebuilding

Machine Tool Services

Our machine shop can rework or remake any parts necessary for the repairing or rebuilding of machine tools...


Reasons to Rebuild

A rebuilt machine eliminates the need for expensive retooling of a new machine as well as lost production time...


Our Methods for Rebuilding

After years of hard use, most machines begin to show signs of major wear and lose accuracy required machining standards.....

Emrick Lubrication Products

And, for the Lube USA lubrication systems you need to keep your equipment running smooth, Emrick has a complete product line, with a thorough Parts Cross-Reference Guide — online.

Emrick Lubrication Products