Complete Machine Tool Services,
Industrial Repairing and Rebuilding

Machinery Service & Rebuilding

Machine Shop Capabilities

Our machine shop can rework or remake any parts necessary for the repairing or rebuilding of machine tools.

We repair, rebuild, maintain and service all types and makes of Machine Tools:

Lathes Grinders
V.T.L. Jig Bores
Mills HBM
Planers C.N.C.


Accessory Rebuilds:

Rotary Tables Facing Heads
Right Angle Milling Attachments Steady Rests
Taper Attchments spindles

Reasons for Rebuilding your Machine Tools

        • The best reason to rebuild is to increase production and efficiency. Emrick Machine Tool Rebuilding will bring your present machine back to original tolerances or better; and accuracy will last longer — because of seasoned, stable castings.


        • For economy: REBUILD! Your present equipment can be completely rebuilt — at a fraction of the cost of a new machine — and equal in every respect to a new machine.


        • A rebuilt machine eliminates the need for expensive retooling of a new machine as well as lost production time while expensive fixtures are designed or modified.


        • No waiting months for delivery of a new machine while production sags or stops altogether. Emrick Machine Tools Rebuilding is ready to start rebuilding your machine as soon as you give the “go ahead.” You’ll be able to resume operations with a minimum amount of delay.


        • Avoid loss of working efficiency usually experienced when new machines are installed. Your machine is “known” to your operator. There is no training period and no loss of production time.

Our Methods of Rebuilding Your Machine Tools

Mill Rebuilding

Mill Rebuilding

After years of hard use, the milling machine above began to show signs of major wear and could no longer maintain the accuracy required for meeting today’s higher machining standards. To restore it to its original precision and performance, a complete rebuild was necessary.

    • Step 1 Machine is completely disassembled, steam cleaned and inspected.
    • Step 2 All parts are repaired or replaced with the customer’s approval.
    • Step 3 The knee, saddle and gibs are machined to remove score marks.
    • Step 4 Top of the table is ground.
    • Step 5 Entire machine is hand scraped and realigned.
    • Step 6 All bearings, bushings and seals are replaced.
    • Step 7 Electrical system, lubricating system and coolant system are updated.
    • Step 8 Machine is reassembled and test run.
    • Step 9 Machine is filled, sanded, and custom painted.
    • Step 10 All handles and dials are chromed.
    • Step 11 Customer makes final inspection and gives approval for shipping.
Alignment Rebuilds

Alignment Rebuilds

The milling machine above ran properly, but had difficulty maintaining accuracy. In this case, an alignment was all that was necessary to restore it to its original specifications. This particular machine had hardened ways, therefore grinding was necessary to achieve proper alignment.

    • Step 1 The machine is disassembled to the extent necessary to accomplish the following:
    • Step 2 The base, top of the saddle, and the column are reground to factory specifications.
    • Step 3 The head, bottom the the saddle, and the top and bottom of the table are hand scraped for proper fit and alignment.
    • Step 4 The gibs are machined to remove score marks, then hand scraped for proper fit and alignment.
    • Step 5 Where applicable, nonmetallic inserts are installed.
    • Step 6 Both the electrical system and lubricating system are updated.
    • Step 7 Machine is reassembled and test run.
    • Step 8 Machine is filled, sanded, and custom painted.
    • Step 9 Customer makes final inspection and approves for shipping.
Machine Rebuilding